
Showing posts from June, 2007

doctor as a patient

starting the day out with looking at labs and checking in with nursing from overnight when a code is called---ran to the code, stand at the door and watch, listen and interns do...after about twenty minutes we left the code---interns---as they were still working on the patient but we were not being of any assistance to back to the icu to see our patients. well after getting back started coughing and couldn't stop...couldn't catch my breath, lightheaded, difficulty talking and focusing, and finally when we got to start rounding i continued and finally needed a SVN so RT came to give me one and then still not better really---albeit talking---still coughing---my chief walked me down to the ed to see them and 'do it right' and i know that she was right to do much as it sucks b/c had to leave rounds, not do teach rounds and told to go home after done in the ed. needless to say was seen, got another svn by rt and then the nurse placed an iv, h...

survived first night of call as a doctor...intern...resident...person...ICU coverage...

so besides the fact that i am exhausted because of extremely broken crappy sleep...but sleep nonetheless i should say i least four or so hours i guess all together...first night of call as an intern and doctor was okay but soooooo scary too. scared of doing something wrong, scared of waking my resident to ask too many questions, scared of not waking him to ask him too many questions, scared of well just about everything to be honest! this all being said i must have had a white cloud over my head or something because no new admissions all night despite some cross cover issues from about midnight till like around 4 or during rounds worked on getting some other stuff together, reading chest x-rays to prep for teach rounds readings, reporting overnight events to other interns, and so on and so on. we did work rounds and then teach rounds and that actually worked quite well i have to say. covered mechanical ventilation during teach rounds...after i had the luxury of rea...

writing orders without a cosigner....yeah...strange!!!

my first official day as an intern (aka first year resident, aka post-graduate year 1, new doc, physician, etc.) was today! can't say it started out all that great given I overslept and was like 20mins late---but my senior was great about it thank goodness. all packed with my bag of tricks...reference books, cheat sheets, stethescope, neuro tools, etc....i headed to the hospital. starting as a new intern is scary, exciting, nerve wracking, bizarre, and bizarre!!! after getting an overview of the unit we got our patient assignments and off we went to review everything and write our notes...then idea what i am doing...confused about how to write an icu note vs. wards note and somewhat forgetting how to even write the note in the first place...given it has been like 7 months or so since i wrote a 'real' note! but took the feedback, used it and changed things; made phone calls and wrote orders...lots and lots of after 7 1/2 hours i left for the day...s...

late entry for orientation

so didn't have a chance to write yesterday....needless to say it was our second day of orientation---department specific information mostly. policies, procedures, records, people, plans, logistics, etc. that lasted all day. my fellow interns are all very nice---we are a good mix and are all feeling the same way...scared!!!

orientation squeezed into one day...GO

So after 9 hours of orientation and information overload i am completely overwhelmed! not only with policies & procedures...but notes, things to do, not do, f-ing white coats and pictures, permits, etc. I now remember why i am so annoyed with our society and system...such b/s like having you know---forty coats there---none fit me---can't get one at the store b/c don't have them; blah blah blah---same story different place. Pictures...on our business cards???/ so would have been nice to you know---say---know that ahead of time!~!! yeah and the little asthma patient exercise was oh so much fun---here---write some orders---plans, etc. Can I also say how freaking scary it is to know you are to write such orders from the memory that you feel like is non-existent at the moment!!! So the internship begins...not a good thing when they tell you...yep...get ready for sleep deprivation..oh and if you can't drive voucher for you! why am i doing this again??? and what am i...

Night before orientation

So starting residency, or internship should i say, is something filled with many emotions---excitement, fear, overwhelming fear, and more fear!!! Mostly of hurting someone! Many who are not in medicine may not know...but many say you shouldn't go to the hospital in July!!! This is because the 'new batch' of interns typically start nationwide on July 1st and are 'newbies' as our friends on Scrubs call us! So despite being supervised tons----there is the ongoing joke of July being the month to "not get sick"!!! Needless to say...I will begin this new chapter in life--personal and professional---tomorrow morning as I complete two short days of orientation before starting in the intensive care unit early---not so bright as the sun won't be up---but early nonetheless---saturday morning!!! So stay tuned and I will attempt...could prove to be keep this updated daily....that is a tall order but we will I enter the new world of being cal...