doctor as a patient

starting the day out with looking at labs and checking in with nursing from overnight when a code is called---ran to the code, stand at the door and watch, listen and interns do...after about twenty minutes we left the code---interns---as they were still working on the patient but we were not being of any assistance to back to the icu to see our patients. well after getting back started coughing and couldn't stop...couldn't catch my breath, lightheaded, difficulty talking and focusing, and finally when we got to start rounding i continued and finally needed a SVN so RT came to give me one and then still not better really---albeit talking---still coughing---my chief walked me down to the ed to see them and 'do it right' and i know that she was right to do much as it sucks b/c had to leave rounds, not do teach rounds and told to go home after done in the ed. needless to say was seen, got another svn by rt and then the nurse placed an iv, history and got solumedrol iv, contineud to be tachy and tachypnic; got my stuff and came home...lethargic and short of breath with chest and throat tightness and tenderness, respectively. decided to rest when i got home and crashed for over four hours. woke up drenched in sweat, headache, jittery, and still tachy at like 120 or so. need to rest. catch up more later.


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