writing orders without a cosigner....yeah...strange!!!

my first official day as an intern (aka first year resident, aka post-graduate year 1, new doc, physician, etc.) was today! can't say it started out all that great given I overslept and was like 20mins late---but my senior was great about it thank goodness.

all packed with my bag of tricks...reference books, cheat sheets, stethescope, neuro tools, etc....i headed to the hospital. starting as a new intern is scary, exciting, nerve wracking, bizarre, and bizarre!!! after getting an overview of the unit we got our patient assignments and off we went to review everything and write our notes...then rounds....no idea what i am doing...confused about how to write an icu note vs. wards note and somewhat forgetting how to even write the note in the first place...given it has been like 7 months or so since i wrote a 'real' note! but took the feedback, used it and changed things; made phone calls and wrote orders...lots and lots of orders....so after 7 1/2 hours i left for the day...short day actually...but it is saturday...and actually off tomorrow since i will be pre-call!


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