survived first night of call as a doctor...intern...resident...person...ICU coverage...

so besides the fact that i am exhausted because of extremely broken crappy sleep...but sleep nonetheless i should say i least four or so hours i guess all together...first night of call as an intern and doctor was okay but soooooo scary too. scared of doing something wrong, scared of waking my resident to ask too many questions, scared of not waking him to ask him too many questions, scared of well just about everything to be honest!

this all being said i must have had a white cloud over my head or something because no new admissions all night despite some cross cover issues from about midnight till like around 4 or during rounds worked on getting some other stuff together, reading chest x-rays to prep for teach rounds readings, reporting overnight events to other interns, and so on and so on. we did work rounds and then teach rounds and that actually worked quite well i have to say. covered mechanical ventilation during teach rounds...after i had the luxury of reading the am cxr for all our patients for the whole team....can you say nerve wracking....?

headed out just as was hitting the 30hour mark...and took a nap for a few hours and here i need to study for quiz for tomorrow teach rounds over mechanical ventilation and some other stuff i don't remember right now. going to pick up one patient tomorrow from family since none on my census right now and she is leaving friday anyway. so just one patient tomorrow, then off thursday, then call again friday!

and so the life of the intern begins....and how i am supposed to get that yearbook done again???

one new and still very nervous resident doctor


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