orientation squeezed into one day...GO

So after 9 hours of orientation and information overload i am completely overwhelmed! not only with policies & procedures...but notes, things to do, not do, f-ing white coats and pictures, permits, etc. I now remember why i am so annoyed with our society and system...such b/s like having you know---forty coats there---none fit me---can't get one at the store b/c don't have them; blah blah blah---same story different place. Pictures...on our business cards???/ so would have been nice to you know---say---know that ahead of time!~!! yeah and the little asthma patient exercise was oh so much fun---here---write some orders---plans, etc. Can I also say how freaking scary it is to know you are to write such orders from the memory that you feel like is non-existent at the moment!!! So the internship begins...not a good thing when they tell you...yep...get ready for sleep deprivation..oh and if you can't drive home..cab voucher for you! why am i doing this again??? and what am i doing later???


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