post i wrote last year

As a fourth year student, grassroots participant in campaigning, and patient advocate I can benefit from the study tour experiences in several ways. Namely through the collection of information and experiences and bringing that back to my medical school, fellow students, and community to further the grassroots efforts in making UHC a reality. Further, as I am intimately involved in the future of medical education at my medical school through committee participation for our new sister campus I not only have the inclination to distribute this information I also have a mechanism and means to do so in a constructive and pragmatic manner. I have just recently completed campaigning for a statewide candidate with a strong grassroots campaign. Through the six weeks I spent with the campaign I have learned more about the campaign process in elections, the importance and struggles of grassroots campaigns, and am energized in pursuing further campaign and possibly candidate training in the near future to assist and be involved in future political endeavors. With this recent experience I am more excited now than ever to participate in the grassroots efforts in both learning about universal healthcare systems in other sites and in the fight to make universal healthcare a reality in America. This being said, the study tour can help provide further grassroots exposure and information to strengthen my base of knowledge and first-hand learning about universal healthcare in general and the pros and cons of Canada’s healthcare system. I look forward to participating in the study trip and hope I can join you in furthering the reality of UHC here!


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