still as i say not as i do...

so after careful thought and convincing i was able to talk with my team and get my call shift from tonight covered so i could continue to rest and recover---yeah yeah yeah---i know that three days after surgery is probably not enough rest but you know how us docs as we say not as we is kind of ironic that when you are working in a hospital....a place where one comes to get help for their health and to rest, recover and are even less likely to get to rest and take care of yourself...oxymoron in a way frankly!

needless to say...i am glad i was home today b/c slept all day and am finally starting to feel a little better---even though the middle of the night now. i am having all sorts of fleeting random thoughts fly through my head and feel like i should somehow use those thoughts for something productive...but i am not sure what that would be right now. so....just a quick little note and back to bed i go.


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