starting residency like i started medical school

Four years ago I started medical school---the first week of school---there I was on Friday of the first week with a fever of 102.5 and feeling awful! after several days of not getting better, fevers, and many other things, we finally determined that I had mononucleosis!!! Needless to say, I was tired, weak, febrile, and generally speaking felt terrible----but somehow managed to pull it together and do okay---passing everything and not having to repeat any of the semester.

Well now, here I am starting residency, now about three weeks into it and having ended up in the ER now twice in the past two weeks---with no ER visits for years prior to now---first was for an asthma attack that came on while working and the second, just yesterday, was for unrelenting pain that started at 0030 yesterday morning waking me out of a dead sleep. The pain was somewhat like general GI pains but this one was sharp, did not stop, went through to my back, and nothing helped to improve the pain. Well after a few hours of this b/s I decided that I had gallbladder pains and needed to go to the ED===and in my head was going to end up going to the OR that morning also---so took off the toe rings and all and headed in. Felt terrible and got to the ED---as a physician at the hospital they tried to get me in as soon as they were able---so only waited like thirty minutes really. Got some zofran b/c was really nauseous, saw the doctor, and went to rads for u/s. talked with my senior for a few also about some issues we need to address and then the doc told me i have gallstones, but no duct obstructions, no white count, no elevated alk phos or LFTs so need to f/u with GI and/or surgery for further care. My senior recommened surgery and doing it asap but since i am in the unit right now and have wards next month that is going to be difficult to get we will see what we have to do to make it work out. Phenergen and percocet knocked me out all day yesterday and today so far---and am falling asleep now as I am typing...return to work tomorrow and will need ot cover a call shift for my fellow intern at some point in the future for wards or icu. Also talked with my chief about some issues we are having in the unit with another senior and we are going to plan to sit down and chat about things sometime tomorrow if possible for everyone involved. Will write more later since cannot keep eyes open right now!


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