
WARC 2009 Palm Springs

So am at a conference for work this weekend---end of my vacation nonetheless....but se la vi. Western Anesthesiology Resident Conference----at Rancho Palms in Palm Springs---great showing of people---like 18 residents, three med students, several faculty including department chair and program director. Presented two posters--one for a fellow classmate---both went okay. Had reception and dinner tonight---was okay---painful with intermittent bits of humor in our 'entertainment' talk by an ER doc talking about venom and snake bites----jazz festival here this weekend also. group of them hanging out by mike's place---i felt sick so came back to the room and am now resting....don't feel very good still. going to bed now---conference misc in am again, to a tram thing and then home tomorrow afternoon sometime....night

May Day 2009 Downtown LA

IMGP4103 Originally uploaded by view from a loft So given all the May Day events----most of the downtown streets in the main core were closed. This included the majority of the bus routes and so buses were re-routed yesterday!!! Can I just say clusterf*ck!!!! Took forty minutes to drive a mere six blocks....Painful.

3009.....i mean....2009

this is how the year has felt so far. a bit confused and slightly off kilter. now as an anesthesiology resident----aka CA-1----aka clinical anesthesia-1----aka typically a second year resident and a first year anesthesia resident----PGY-2, etc as the acronyms could go on and on. i am training at a county institution in a large urban center----basically this translates into what is better known as the 'knife and gun club' for the ER and trauma services. county has their own terminology for what is known to many in the medical world as a 'trauma'----an 'RB' or 'Red Blanket'. Now i am not well versed in history of county or our armed services medical terms but i do believe this term comes from that in so much as throwing a red blanket on someone who was a trauma victim and required emergent care to survive. so as we go through our days and nights of training that the RB becomes part of our vocabulary. the interesting thing is the abuse of such a system----s...


so after not writing for a long time i am realizing that i should really be writing daily after talking with a good friend. after going back and looking at the past few months so many things have happened and changed both personally and professionally that i don't even know where to start. but i am going to work on that.

Back to work I go

At the end of vacation and back to work tomorrow morning. Not super-excited about going back yet am a little excited to keep learning. Sick huh!!! That's what happens when you go to school for your entire life----just keep learning and if you don't for a bit----you want to.

first day on my own tomorrow....

tomorrow is the first day i will be on my own for cases without another resident. of course will always have my attending there if i need them, for induction and emergence....but that is true for all of residency in anesthesiology. i am excited and nervous and at the same time feel like it is just another day.....very strange!!! will keep ya posted on how things go.