
Showing posts from May, 2009

WARC 2009 Palm Springs

So am at a conference for work this weekend---end of my vacation nonetheless....but se la vi. Western Anesthesiology Resident Conference----at Rancho Palms in Palm Springs---great showing of people---like 18 residents, three med students, several faculty including department chair and program director. Presented two posters--one for a fellow classmate---both went okay. Had reception and dinner tonight---was okay---painful with intermittent bits of humor in our 'entertainment' talk by an ER doc talking about venom and snake bites----jazz festival here this weekend also. group of them hanging out by mike's place---i felt sick so came back to the room and am now resting....don't feel very good still. going to bed now---conference misc in am again, to a tram thing and then home tomorrow afternoon sometime....night

May Day 2009 Downtown LA

IMGP4103 Originally uploaded by view from a loft So given all the May Day events----most of the downtown streets in the main core were closed. This included the majority of the bus routes and so buses were re-routed yesterday!!! Can I just say clusterf*ck!!!! Took forty minutes to drive a mere six blocks....Painful.